What is DevOps?
DevOps is a combination of software development and operations to support the real time application. It has two phases, they are Development and operations. Many tools and techniques are used to improve the quality of the software.
A group of people will be worked as a team for each phase. In the development phase the customer requirements are transformed into the software product which satisfies the need of the customer.
Development team
In the development team the software product will be developed by using different programming languages and software tools.
Operations team
In the operations team the software product which is developed or modified or updated will be tested and then uploaded into the real time application.
Coding and scripting are two of the most important skills for anyone working in DevOps. Without these skills, you’ll be unable to automate tasks or work with code repositories. First, let’s take a look at what coding and scripting are. Coding is the process of creating software or applications.
Programming languages related to scripting and testing is most widely used in DevOps to develop and implement the code effectively. Some of the Scripting Languages are Python, Ansible, Javascript, Typescript etc. Some of the Testing languages are Selenium, Kubernetes Nagios. Some tools are used to integrate the code script with one other example : Jenkins
DevOps includes the process of Automation, Collaboration, Integration, Configuration management. Different types of tools are used for the above processes.
Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
A continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is a series of steps that must be performed in order to deliver a new version of software. CI/CD pipelines are a practice focused on improving software delivery throughout the software development life cycle via automation. Jenkins is the most widely used tool for continuous integration and continuous deployment process.
Different updated languages and tools are used for development and maintenance of any software to run in the real time environment.
In DevOps one needs to concentrate more on code alignment and automation rather than writing code, as most of the tools provides code generators, some code structures and functions are already available, which needs to be fixed according to the customer’s need by the developer. DevOps programming concept is highly dependent on automation and many tools. The programmer’s code need to undergo different phases and stages to perform the required function of the software.
As most of the work are going on in online mode, the existing application or web page will be in running condition and the operation team may be taking care of the support and maintenance of that application, at the same time the development team will concentrate on the new features which needs to be included into the application.
For example, in banking applications, if they need to give any announcements, reducing or increasing the interest rates, those things need to be done in the background by the development team with the back up version or previous version of the existing software, then it must be tested in various levels before it is implemented in the real time.
Especially in the server side, client side, database support, if the application is breaking in any step that error need to rectified by the System administrator immediately. As applications are in need of full time support consistency, scalability, speed everything must be tested period. The time interval can be set in the automation process, so that based on the given time interval the report will be generated. For example: in Jenkins, the report will be generated based on the given time interval, it may 10 minutes, half an hour, one hour, based on the need of the application it will be given by the developer and the testing people.
List of DevOps Tools
There are variety of tools used in DevOps methodology to enhance the features of the software Some commonly used tools are